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Update of the Site Development Plan: Joint statement of the transmission system operators and further comments published

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In the procedure for amending and updating the Site Development Plan, the BSH today published the joint written statement of the transmission system operators on the preliminary draft of the plan. The other comments received on the preliminary draft of the Site Development Plan and… Read More »Update of the Site Development Plan: Joint statement of the transmission system operators and further comments published

Procedure for the amendment of the Site Development Plan 2020: Comments published

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In the procedure for the amendment of the Site Development Plan 2020, the comments received were published on the BSH website after the end of the comment period. The subject of the amendment procedure initiated on September 17, 2021 is the definition of a… Read More »Procedure for the amendment of the Site Development Plan 2020: Comments published

Initiation of the participation of federal states and associations regarding the draft of the Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance

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On 3 November 2021, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) initiated the participation of federal states and associations regarding the draft of the Second Ordinance on the Implementation of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance – 2. WindSeeV) (deadline 15… Read More »Initiation of the participation of federal states and associations regarding the draft of the Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance

Feedback questionnaire for further enhancement of the user-friendliness of the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites until October 31th, 2021

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In order to further improve the user-friendliness and content of the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites, we would like to invite all users to participate in a short survey.  The online questionnaire, which is available in German and English, and further information and can… Read More »Feedback questionnaire for further enhancement of the user-friendliness of the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites until October 31th, 2021

Group picture international shipping meeting

International exchange in the informal shipping group for the North Sea

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) participated in another meeting of the informal shipping group in the North Sea on the 2nd of September 2021. The participants of the seventh meeting of this group were from Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the… Read More »International exchange in the informal shipping group for the North Sea

Publication of shipping reports

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has published two shipping reports on its website. Both studies were conducted and accompanied by the BSH last year. The report on shipping traffic in the entire North Sea was tendered and financed by the Federal Ministry… Read More »Publication of shipping reports

Group picture exchange with Denmark and the Netherlands

Exchange with Denmark and the Netherlands on shipping routes

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) took part in another trilateral meeting with participants from Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands on the 23rd of June 2021. At this meeting, the participants discussed and considered again together with the neighbouring countries which designations are… Read More »Exchange with Denmark and the Netherlands on shipping routes