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Site development plan

Site development plan: draft and environmental reports published

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, BSH) is today publishing the draft of the site development plan (Flächenentwicklungsplan, FEP) and the associated environmental reports. The documents are published on the BSH website. Authorities have until July 08, 2024 and the… Read More »Site development plan: draft and environmental reports published

Notification of the neighbouring states pursuant to Art. 10 SEA protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context on the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan

  • General

On 28 February 2024, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency notified the neighbouring states in the North Sea and Baltic Sea of the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan in accordance with the protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a… Read More »Notification of the neighbouring states pursuant to Art. 10 SEA protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context on the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan

Webinar: Estimation of long-term offshore wind energy yield in the German EEZ

  • General

In the context of drafting the site development plan for offshore wind energy in the German EEZ, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) contracted the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) to estimate the expected energy yield for multiple expansion scenarios. The estimation… Read More »Webinar: Estimation of long-term offshore wind energy yield in the German EEZ

Revision of the site development plan: Initiation of the procedure and publication of documents

  • General

After the site development plan 2023 and the associated environmental reports have been made public on 20.01.2023, further sites are required for the expansion of offshore wind energy in order to achieve the expansion targets pursuant to Sec. 1 para. 2 WindSeeG. A new revision… Read More »Revision of the site development plan: Initiation of the procedure and publication of documents

Shape-files for areas N-23, N-24 and N-25 of the annex to the accompanying expert report FEP 2023 published

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has made available on its website shape-files for the annex to the report “Weiterentwicklung der Rahmenbedingungen zur Planung von Windenergieanlagen auf See und Netzanbindungssysteme” (Further development of the framework conditions for planning offshore wind turbines and grid connection… Read More »Shape-files for areas N-23, N-24 and N-25 of the annex to the accompanying expert report FEP 2023 published