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BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “DolWin5 und DolWin epsilon”

The BSH issued the planning approval decision for the offshore grid connection “DolWin5 un DolWin epsilon”on 22 March 2023 based on Section 45 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act in the version of 27 July 2021 in connection with Section 74 of the Administrative Procedure… Read More »BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “DolWin5 und DolWin epsilon”

BSH has made available for inspection the 3rd WindSeeV and other documents concerning the determination of suitability

On 5 January 2023, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) determined the suitability of sites N-6.6 and N-6.7 for tendering by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in accordance with Part 3 Section 5 Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG) by means of an ordinance. The Third… Read More »BSH has made available for inspection the 3rd WindSeeV and other documents concerning the determination of suitability

Publishing the results of the central preliminary investigation of sites N-6.6 and N-6.7 for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German EEZ

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On February 27, 2023, the BSH published the results of the preliminary investigation for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for the sites N-6.6 and N-6.7, which are planned for tendering this year according to the site development… Read More »Publishing the results of the central preliminary investigation of sites N-6.6 and N-6.7 for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German EEZ


Welcome to the BSH Offshore news

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The department O “Management of the Sea” of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) publishes news on the current processes and procedures regarding offshore topics. Shipping, the navy, fishing, tourism, offshore wind farms, offshore activities and marine research take up space on the oceans.… Read More »Welcome to the BSH Offshore news

BSH announces plan approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore windfarm “EnBW He Dreiht”

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BSH announces plan approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore windfarm “EnBW He Dreiht” The BSH issued the plan approval decision for the offshore windfarm “EnBW He Dreiht”on 20 December 2022 based on Section 45 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act in… Read More »BSH announces plan approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore windfarm “EnBW He Dreiht”

North Sea Energy Cooperation: Publication of a study on wind energy development in the North Seas until 2030

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Support Group 2 (SG2) of the North Sea Energy Cooperation discusses issues of maritime spatial planning and has recently published a study on the expansion of offshore wind energy until 2030 on the basis of national spatial plans and strategies. The study examines spatial conflicts… Read More »North Sea Energy Cooperation: Publication of a study on wind energy development in the North Seas until 2030

Revision of the site development plan: Notice of publication of the site development plan 2023

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With announcement dated 20 January 2023, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) announced the publication of the site development plan 2023. With this revision the BSH secures the expansion targets for offshore wind energy, which have been increased to at least 30 GW by… Read More »Revision of the site development plan: Notice of publication of the site development plan 2023