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New feature “Revision filter” available in the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites – PINTA 

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On February 25, 2022, the BSH published the results of the preliminary site investigation for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for the site N-7.2 planned for this year according to the Site Development Plan of the BSH… Read More »New feature “Revision filter” available in the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites – PINTA 

BSH publically notifies the public display of the draft of the suitability examination, the draft of the determination of suitability and the drafts of the environmental reports for the sites N-6.6 and N-6.7

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On 20 May 2022, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) notified that the draft of the suitability examination, the draft of the determination of suitability and the drafts of the environmental reports for the sites N-6.6 and N-6.7, which will be put out to… Read More »BSH publically notifies the public display of the draft of the suitability examination, the draft of the determination of suitability and the drafts of the environmental reports for the sites N-6.6 and N-6.7

Updating Process Site Development Plan: Publication of an extended preliminary draft and statements of the Federal Network Agency and the Transmission System Operators

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The BSH announced the initiation of the procedure to amend and update the land development plan on 17 December 2021. In a letter dated 6 April 2022, the Federal Network Agency sent the BSH a statement on the possible implementation of the draft of a… Read More »Updating Process Site Development Plan: Publication of an extended preliminary draft and statements of the Federal Network Agency and the Transmission System Operators

Group picture North Sea shipping meeting

International exchange in the informal shipping group for the North Sea

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) participated in another meeting of the informal shipping group in the North Sea on the 10th of March 2022. The participants of this group were from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United… Read More »International exchange in the informal shipping group for the North Sea

BSH has made available for inspection the 2nd WindSeeV and other documents concerning the suitability assessment

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On 18 January 2022, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) determined the suitability of sites N-3.5, N-3.6 and N-7.2 for tendering by the Federal Network Agency pursuant to Part 3 Section 2 of the WindSee Act by means of a statutory order. The Second… Read More »BSH has made available for inspection the 2nd WindSeeV and other documents concerning the suitability assessment

Group picture North Seas MSP Collaboration Group

Meeting of the North Seas MSP collaboration group

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A meeting of the planning authorities in the North Sea Region took place on the 28th of January 2022. Participants represented planning authorities from France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Furthermore, representatives from the North Sea Commission participated as well. Based on the… Read More »Meeting of the North Seas MSP collaboration group