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Spatial Planning

BSH announcement: Adoption of the Danish Maritime Spatial Plan

Amendments to the Danish Maritime Spatial Plan came into force on June 28, 2024. The interactive plan as well as the environmental reports and further information on the consultation can be reviewed via this link: The announcement can be found on the BSH website.

Information on the Draft Irish Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy

The Irish Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications is consulting on the first maritime spatial plan for renewable energy, the South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy (SC-DMAP). The draft SC-DMAP identifies four maritime areas for offshore wind farms off the… Read More »Information on the Draft Irish Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy

Picture: Margarita Vološina

eMSP NBSR project results published

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The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) participated in the DG Mare project “eMSP NBSR – Emerging Ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning Topics in the North and Baltic Sea Regions” which recently had its final conference in Gdansk ( The project worked with so-called “communities of… Read More »eMSP NBSR project results published

BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation in the scoping process for Strategic Environmental Assessment for the partial revision of the Dutch North Sea Programme 2022-2027

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The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is consulting on the scope and level of detail of the strategic environmental assessment for the partial revision of the North Sea Programme 2022-2027 in accordance with the Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context… Read More »BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation in the scoping process for Strategic Environmental Assessment for the partial revision of the Dutch North Sea Programme 2022-2027

BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation regarding the amendment of the national Swedish Marine Spatial Plans, NV-09718-22

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The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) is consulting the national Swedish Marine Spatial Plans for the Gulf of Bothnia, the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak/Kattegat and the Strategic Environmental Assessment in accordance with the convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo-Convention) with… Read More »BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation regarding the amendment of the national Swedish Marine Spatial Plans, NV-09718-22

BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation regarding the amendment of Denmark´s Maritime Spatial Plan, reference 2020-3411

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The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsen) is consulting the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the amendments to the Danish Marine Spatial Plan in accordance with the convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo-Convention) with the opportunity to comment until February 5, 2024. The… Read More »BSH announcement: Transboundary consultation regarding the amendment of Denmark´s Maritime Spatial Plan, reference 2020-3411

Announcement of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency on transboundary participation according to Section 59 para. 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Act on the strategic environmental assessment of the revised Danish maritime spatial plan

By letter dated 20 July 2023 the Danish Environmental Protection Agency sent the Notification of the national Danish Maritime Spatial Plans in order to carry out Germany’s transboundary participation in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Framework… Read More »Announcement of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency on transboundary participation according to Section 59 para. 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Act on the strategic environmental assessment of the revised Danish maritime spatial plan

Revision of the site development plan: Notice of publication of the site development plan 2023

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With announcement dated 20 January 2023, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) announced the publication of the site development plan 2023. With this revision the BSH secures the expansion targets for offshore wind energy, which have been increased to at least 30 GW by… Read More »Revision of the site development plan: Notice of publication of the site development plan 2023