On 20 February 2024, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) determined the suitability of sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 for tendering by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in accordance with Part 3 Section 5 Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG) by means of an ordinance. The Fourth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Wind Energy at Sea Act (4th WindSeeV) was published in the Federal Law Gazette on 22 February 2024 (BGBl 2024 I No. 52). Pursuant to Section 12 paragraph 5 sentence 9 WindSeeG in conjunction with Section 44 paragraph 2 Environmental Assessment Act (UVPG), the BSH makes the adopted plan and the associated documents available for inspection in its libraries. In addition, the BSH has published these documents on the BSH website.
BSH has made available for inspection the 4th WindSeeV and other documents concerning the suitability examination