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January 2020

Notification on the determination on the scope of the environmental assessment in the context of the revision of the German maritime spatial plan and the strategic environmental assessment according to § 8 ROG, 31.01.2020

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) notifies on the scope of the environmental assessment in the context of the revision of the German maritime spatial plan for the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea and Baltic Sea in accordance with §… Read More »Notification on the determination on the scope of the environmental assessment in the context of the revision of the German maritime spatial plan and the strategic environmental assessment according to § 8 ROG, 31.01.2020

Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board for the revision of the maritime spatial plans for the German Exclusive Economic Zone, 14 January 2020, Hamburg

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On the 14th January 2020, the 7th meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board for the revision of the maritime spatial plans took place at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The members of the Advisory Board come mainly from scientific institutions and support the… Read More »Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board for the revision of the maritime spatial plans for the German Exclusive Economic Zone, 14 January 2020, Hamburg