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Publishing the results of the central preliminary investigation of sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German EEZ

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has published the results of the central preliminary investigation for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The results are available on the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites (PINTA). According to… Read More »Publishing the results of the central preliminary investigation of sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 for the construction of offshore wind farms in the German EEZ

Notification of the neighbouring states pursuant to Art. 10 SEA protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context on the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan

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On 28 February 2024, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency notified the neighbouring states in the North Sea and Baltic Sea of the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan in accordance with the protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a… Read More »Notification of the neighbouring states pursuant to Art. 10 SEA protocol on strategic environmental assessment in a transboundary context on the initiation of the update and amendment of the site development plan

Picture: Margarita Vološina

eMSP NBSR project results published

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The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) participated in the DG Mare project “eMSP NBSR – Emerging Ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning Topics in the North and Baltic Sea Regions” which recently had its final conference in Gdansk ( The project worked with so-called “communities of… Read More »eMSP NBSR project results published

BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “DolWin4/ delta”

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The BSH issued the planning approval decision for the offshore grid-connection “DolWin4 and DolWin delta”on 20.december 2023 based on Section 45 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act in the version applicable until 31 December 2022in connection with Section 74 of the Administrative Procedure Act in… Read More »BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “DolWin4/ delta”

BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “BorWin5 and BorWin epsilon”

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The BSH issued the planning approval decision for the offshore grid-connection “BorWin5 and BorWin epsilon”on 19 January 2024 based on Section 45 of the Offshore Wind Energy Act in the version applicable until 31 December 2022 in connection with Section 74 of the Administrative Procedure… Read More »BSH announces planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the offshore grid-connection “BorWin5 and BorWin epsilon”