Today, on 6 december 2024, the BSH publicly announced the initiation of the preliminary site investigation of the sites N-9.5 und N-12.5 in the exclusive economic zone of the North Sea for offshore wind farms. Sites N-9.5 and N-12.5 were defined in the Draft Site Development Plan published on 7. June 2024. Site N-9.5 is to be tendered in 2028 and Site N-12.5 in 2029. Comments on the draft investigation framework can be submitted until 17 january 2025. All information and documents can be found on the BSH website.
Initiation of the central Offshore Site investigations for wind turbines for tendering in 2028 and 2029 for the German exclusive economic zone of the North Sea and Publication of the draft investigation framework for these sites (N-9.5 und N-12.5)
Tags:Site Investigation