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Revisions in the Data Hub PINTA for site N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3

  • General

In the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites (PINTA) for sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 revisions of the data sets “Multi-channel Seismics – Complementary Data and Information” were added for each for the sub-area N-09E and N-09W to the data package “Multi-channel Seismic Data”. Further for site N-9.1 a revision of the data set “CPT Raw Data” was added to the data package “Cone Penetration Tests (CPT)”. For site N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 revision of the data sets “Soil Classification” were added to the data package “Laboratory Testing”

The revisions supplement the investigation results and documents of the preliminary site investigation published with the announcement of the invitation to tender. These are all Data that were already available on the Data Hub Preliminary Investigation of Sites before the revision and are now also provided in other formats. The investigation results and documents published with the announcement of the tender remain without change.