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November 2020

Comments and expert reports on the draft and environmental reports published as part of the update of the Site Development Plan 2020

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has received numerous comments on the draft Site Development Plan 2020 and on the environmental reports (North Sea and Baltic Sea). These comments have now been published on the BSH website. In addition to the comments, the… Read More »Comments and expert reports on the draft and environmental reports published as part of the update of the Site Development Plan 2020

Comments on the draft plan and environmental reports published as part of the revision of the maritime spatial plans

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The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has received several comments on the draft maritime spatial plan and on the environmental reports. These comments have now been published on the BSH website. On the 24th and 25th of November 2020 a hearing will take… Read More »Comments on the draft plan and environmental reports published as part of the revision of the maritime spatial plans