RWE Renewables Sweden intends to construct the Ymer wind farm in the southern Baltic Sea. The offshore wind farm is to be built approximately 47 km southeast of the coast of Blekinge in Sweden. The area of the wind farm is located within the Swedish exclusive economic zone. The offshore windfarm is planned for up to 270 turbines, height of 360 m, with a total capacity of up to around 4 GW and an annual electricity production of 15-20 TWh. Information on the planned project can be found from 24 May 2024 to 11 June 2024 on the BSH website at (Announcements).
transboundary participation according to Section 59 para. 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Act on the transboundary environmental impact assessment regarding a planned offshore windfarm “Ymer” in Sweden´s exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea